Remodern Ranch

cocktails and craft



Hot Rod Open House

Dale went to a hot rod open house waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in March. And here are the photos! Click on any one to make it big and pretty.

A few pics from Dale

PARK.   Fog. Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids.

What the hell have we been up to?

Lots! But I never seem to spend time blogging about it. So let’s do a round up! Waaay back in February my cousin Randy came to visit and brought his sons Colton and Jack! They are great kids (and welcomed… Continue Reading →

Transformers 3

Dale and I have big plans to see Transformers 3 this weekend! I love me some disaster movies but we’re actually excited because we watched the movie being filmed right outside our office windows all last summer. Here is a… Continue Reading →

Yellowstone VII: Grizzly

Have we dragged these photos out long enough for you? It’s a bit much, I know. But this is my virtual scrapbook so you’re stuck with it if you visit. We weren’t expecting to see Grizzly bears, particularly not up… Continue Reading →

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