Remodern Ranch

cocktails and craft



Flashback…Sarah’s Wedding!

My lame cat photos have prompted Dale to give up the goods! Also, he’s on holiday and finally had some time to breathe! At any rate, I wanted to share some photos from my dear friend Sarah’s wedding from a… Continue Reading →


So Dale and I went for a nice long walk on Saturday at Northerly Island, which is located right next to Adler Planetarium. It turns out Saturday at Adler is a prime spot for Bride Spotting! Bridal parties arrive every… Continue Reading →

Dorky Post Ahead

Okay so this is dorky and self-indulgent but it’s my blog, right? Anyway, I got my wedding dress preserved (it’s no longer in that tub marked ‘wedding dress’) and that’s the package it came in. I figured since it will… Continue Reading →

Dale is Shooting Weddings!

Dale’s gotten a couple of gigs as a second shooter on some fancy weddings. Even though we don’t know these folks we thought you might be curious to see some of what Dale’s been up to. Look how lovely this… Continue Reading →

Wedding in Jacksonville!

My friend Heather got married to a very nice gentlemen named Michael last Saturday! We’re very happy for her! And can’t wait to invite them to visit us in Chicago! Happily, we also got to meet up with my friend… Continue Reading →

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