Washington, D.C. wasn’t the only city celebrating the inauguration of Barack Obama on Tuesday! There were jumbotrons set up right across the street from Dale’s office and folks gathered to cheer on Obama during his historic swearing in.

Dale, of course, ran out and took a few photos and I must say I’m very, very proud of him for taking these. He really captured the feeling of the crowd and the excitement of seeing the historic swearing-in of our nation’s first African American President!

Joe Biden’s big moment!

A very excited young man revels in the moment!

A woman beaming with pride!

A gentleman sharing the moment with his daughter.
I actually don’t even think these are the best photos–there are about 60 in a gallery you can see by clicking here! I really think Dale did a great job with these. These photos are very moving to me despite the fact that I’m still a little more Team Hilary!
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