[written by Dale]
Today we, Yes WE, put in some sod.
While I did most of the more physical stuff. Rebecca did the refinement.
For the sod to be level with the existing grass and lower I surrounding area and cut sharp lines for the edges to meet up. As I cut it away it loosened dirt and stones – a shit load of stones – Rebecca raked it into the drive. I then hauled fresh dirt from the composter to make a good bed for the sod.

I dumped the fresh dirt and Rebecca raked it out. I tossed a bit of fertilizer down before laying the sod.

Rebecca, super hard at work.

This is how it came out. The darkened areas is the dirt from the compost. We filled the seams between the rolls of sod then seeded them. The goal was to minimize exposed edges thus holding in moisture as well as maybe getting some grass to grow. Some other areas where just too small for sod so we filled them with fresh dirt and seeded the hell out of that too.

I also installed a fresh drain grate after the sidewalk along the house, I hope it will catch the water and send in through the pipe to the drive. When we watered I notice water slipping through the crack between the walk and grate – I have since caulked that joint.
And another view:
In all it took about 5-6 hours to complete. I would never have finished it on my own.
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