I wanted to post a couple pictures of Sidney because he’s still happy and relatively healthy but we don’t know how long that will last.

He’s getting a little older and he’s got a few health problems. He’s deaf, has pretty bad back knees, irritable bowel syndrome, and has a spindle cell tumor (which is almost always cancerous). We’ve decided not to take any drastic measures. If we had gone forward with treatment we would have to have his leg amputated and then we’d have to have him undergo chemotherapy, leaving him stressed and putting all his back weight on just one bad leg.

Anyway, we’ve had some time to digest and we’re so lucky that he’s been pretty healthy so far. He’s lost a tiny bit of weight (but nothing scary) and he’s had some increased stomach upset but is overall very happy and sweet-natured.
I’m making Dale take lots of pics of him while he’s still very happy and healthy. Poor little guy. He really is the snuggliest and sweetest pet anyone could ever ask for.
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