My friend Anne invited me to go to an antique clothing and jewelry show–I’ll post a pic of the insanely ridiculous purse I bought later–out in her suburb of Elgin. It was neat for me but poor Dale came along and discovered it was all girly things!
So he took a few photos to amuse himself and I figured we’d share since we’ve been so boring during this last couple of long and cold months.
Sassy mannequin selling her wares!
Lots of sassy clothes.
And accessories!
Vintage hat mannequins–love them!
Dale liked this one a lot.
And this dude is my favorite!
The purse I bought is a little red schoolhouse. Seriously, it’s ridiculous but I love it. I collected antique purses in high school and had a pretty sweet little collection and somehow I only have two left from back then and about four vintage purses total.